
Check if string includes a substring Javascript (Multiple Methods)

If you're working with strings in JavaScript, it's often useful to know whether or not a string includes a particular substring. For example, you might want to check if a string contains a URL or a specific word. In this article, we will show you different methods to check that.

Check if string includes a substring Javascript

To check whether a String contains a substring you can:

  1. Get the string and substring variables.
  2. Use string.includes(sub_string) - It will return true if the substring exists in the string else false

# Method 1: Using includes() function

The String.includes() function in Javascript allows you to check if a string includes a specified substring. This is a useful function to know when you need to check if a string contains a certain word or phrase.

const str = "Devsheet";
const subStr = "evs";

if (str.includes(subStr)) {
} else {
    console.log("Not included");



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The above code is checking if the string "Devsheet" includes the substring "evs". If it does, it will print "Included" to the console. Otherwise, it will print "Not included".

# Method 2: Using indexOf() function

If you need to check if a string includes a certain substring in JavaScript, you can use the indexOf() method. This method returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring, or -1 if the substring is not found.

const str = "Devsheet";
const subStr = "evs";

if (str.indexOf(subStr) !== -1) {
} else {
    console.log("Not included");



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In the above code example, we are using String.indexOf() function to check whether a string contains a substring.


These were some code examples that can be used to check whether a string includes a substring or not. We explained different methods in order to do that. If you have more methods for the same then you can also contribute here.

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