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Search code using ChatGPT

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How it works

Write some query in the given box and press enter. It will load the solution for the code query from ChatGPT. You can review and test the code solution provided by ChatGPT.

There are a few ways to generate code examples using ChatGPT:

  1. One way is to fine-tune the model on a dataset of code snippets and then use it to generate new code snippets.
  2. Another way is to use the model in a conversational way, where you prompt it with a question or a problem statement, and it generates code snippets that solve that problem.
  3. You can also use the model to generate code snippets by feeding it a specific programming language or framework as a prompt.

In all of the above cases, you will need to fine-tune the model on a dataset of code snippets before you can use it to generate new code examples.

It's good to note that fine-tuning GPT models is a computationally expensive process and it may require a powerful GPU. And the quality of the generated code may vary, it is recommended to review the generated code before use it.

Generating Code....