sqlcmd command to connect to a SQL server
The sqlcmd command is used to connect to a SQL server. This command can be used to run queries, create databases, and perform other tasks. In this post, we will learn how to connect to a SQL server using sqlcmd.
sqlcmd -S host_url -U user_name -P password
-- Example to connect to an AWS RDS
sqlcmd -S rds-instance.aws-rds.com -U sa -P pass@123
In the above sqlcmd command:
Host: rds-instance.aws-rds.com
user: sa
password: pass@123
If the sqlcmd command is successful and the connection is made with the server then you will see the output as below.
[email protected]: sqlcmd -S host_url -U user_name -P password
Get all Databases on SQL Server
After making a connection with the SQL Server you can list all the databases by executing the below query in sqlcmd.
1>SELECT name, database_id, create_date
2>FROM sys.databases;
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