* The Model is the only class that interacts with the DB
* This class deals with all querys with the DB
* Extends to the Dbh class as obviously interacts with the DB
* class should be protected
* Only view and controller classes that extend to it can grab information
* even when updating/inserting/deleting DB which is handles in the contr we still query in the model because it is only the modal that interacts with the DB
//This is model.class.php
class Model extends Dbh {
protected function getUser($firstname) {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE firstname = ?';
$stmt = $this->connect()->prepare($sql);
$results = $stmt->fetchAll();
return $results;
protected function setUser($firstname, $lastname, $email) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname, email) Values (?,?,?) ';
$stmt = $this->connect()->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute([$firstname, $lastname, $email]);
protected function deleteUser($firstname, $lastname) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM users WHERE firstname = ? && lastname = ?';
$stmt = $this->connect()->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute([$firstname, $lastname]);
protected function updateUser($email) {
$sql = 'UPDATE users SET email = ? WHERE id = 8';
$stmt = $this->connect()->prepare($sql);
* Must connect to DB so inportant to extends DBH class
* Fetches Info from the Model
//This is view.class.php
class View extends Model {
public function showUser($firstname){
$results = $this->getUser($firstname);
echo 'My name is ' . $results[0]['firstname'] . ' ' . $results[0]['lastname'];
* Updating, inserting, creating tables etc into database
//This is controller.class.php
class Controller extends Model {
public function createUser($firstname, $lastname, $email) {
$this->setUser($firstname, $lastname, $email);
public function araseUser($firstname, $lastname) {
$this->deleteUser($firstname, $lastname);
public function editUser($email) {
include 'includes/';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
//$testObj = new Test();
//$testObj->inserUser('John', 'Doe', '[email protected]');
//$testObj->updateUser('[email protected]');
//$showUser = new View();
//$createUser = new Controller();
//$createUser->createUser('Dean','Lark','[email protected]');
//$deluser = new Controller();
//$updateUser = new Controller();
//$updateUser->editUser('[email protected]');
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