Posts by Devsheet

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Use jQuery to check if a tab is active/inactive

When using jQuery, it is possible to check if a tab is active or inactive. This can be done by using focus and blur events. By using these events, it is possible to determine if a tab is currently active or not. This can be useful when trying to determine if a user is currently on a specific tab.

jQuery code to run a function after page load

This code will allow you to run a function after the page has loaded. This can be useful if you want to initialize something on the page or make sure that the page is ready before running your code.

How to send form data in $.post jQuery

When using the jQuery $.post() method, one can send form data to a server without reloading the current page. This is done by serializing the form data and sending it as an argument to the $.post() method.

JQuery Ajax post request with form data

The below code can be useful to send ajax post request with form data using jQuery.

Get selected option text using jQuery

The code can be used to get the text of the selected option using jQuery.

Set default date in Jquery UI datepicker

Jquery UI datepicker provides a 'defaultDate' property when creating. This can be used to set a default date.

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