
Remove first n elements from an array using Lodash

You can use _.drop method of lodash to remove first n elements from an array. To remove first 3 elements from an array pass n value as 3.

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];

//remove first element (n=1) by default
const arr1 = _.drop(arr);

//remove first 3 elements
const arr2 = _.drop(arr, 3);

//remove first 5 elements
const arr3 = _.drop(arr, 5);

We can easily remove first n items from an array using _.drop method if we are using Lodash javascript library in our project. The syntax and description of _.drop is as below.

_.drop lodash

Basic syntax of _.drop is as below which can be used to drop first n items from given array.

_.drop(Array, n=1)

Array: This argument is of array type and this contains the values that you want to remove from this array. This is a required parameter.

n: Here we pass an integer type value. This is an options argument.  The default value of n is 1 means if you do not pass any value it will remove very first element from the array.

Example Demo for _.drop

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