
Add a title to the chart in Chart.js

To add a title on the top of the chart, the below code can be used. Chart.js uses the subtitle object to define your subtitle text and style them.

const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
const myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
  type: 'bar',
  data: {
    labels: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr'],
    datasets: [{
      label: 'Month',
      data: [10, 20, 50, 30]
  options: {
        plugins: {
            subtitle: {
                display: true,
                text: 'Title goes here ...',
                color: '#ff0000',
                font: {
                	size: 20

We can configure a chart created using Chart.js library using options object. It contains object plugins where we can define a subtitle object that will add a title that contains the text that is passed to its text property.

The code for adding the title to Chart.js

plugins: {
    subtitle: {
        display: true,
        text: 'Title content will be here',

Live Demo for adding title

subtitle: {
    display: true,
    text: 'Title text',
    color: '#ff0000',
To change the color of the subtitle you can assign a color property of the subtitle object. As the value of the color property, use color in hex format or RGBA format.
plugins: {
    subtitle: {
        display: true,
        text: 'Title content will be here',
        font: {
            size: 22 // Change font size here
To change the font size of the subtitle, a font object can be used. we can assign size property to this font object and the value we assign to size is considered in px.
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