
Flutter run app in release mode

To run a Flutter app in release mode, you can use the command flutter run --release in the terminal while in the root directory of your app. This will build and run the app in release mode, which is optimized for performance and is typically used for distribution to end users.

Flutter run app in release mode

To run a Flutter app in release mode:

  1. Open the terminal or command window.
  2. Type flutter run --release to run the app in release mode.
flutter run --release

Make sure you have set up signing for your app before running in release mode, which is required for publishing to app stores. You can also make use of the command flutter build apk --release to build the release APK for android.

flutter build apk --release

Please note that when you run the app in release mode, the Dart compiler will be invoked with the --deterministic flag, which will ensure that the generated machine code is the same across multiple runs, this will reduce the size of the final APK.

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