
How to generate a random number in python using random module

To generate a random number in python you can use the python module - random. It provides many functions like randint(), random(), etc to generate a random number.

import random

print (random.randint(1,50))
#It will print a random number between 1 to 50

print (random.random())
#It will print a Float random number between 0 to 1

print(random.sample( range(5, 24), 7) )
# Prints a list of 7 random numbers between 5 to 24

In the above code snippet we are genrating random numbers using random module. To import random module of python you can use below code.

import random

Generate a Random Integer Number using randint() method

The easiest way to generate a random number of Integer type is by using the randint() method of random. For example, if you want to generate a random number between 2 to 15, you can use the below code

import random

random_int = random.randint(2,15)

The above code will print out a random number between 2 to 15 each time you run the code.

Generate a random Float number between 0 to 1

To generate a random float number between 0 to 1 you can use the random module method .random().

import random

float_num = random.random()

The above code will prints a random float number each time you run the code.

Generate a List of random numbers with N items

If you want to generate a list of random numbers in python using the random module, you can use the .sample() method of the random module.

For example, to generate a list of 10 items that contain random integers, the below code can be used.

import random

random_list = random.sample( range(7, 65), 10)

The above code will print a list of 10 items which will contain random integer type values between 7 to 65.

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