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Python Basics
Create python virtual environment
Add comments in python
If else conditions python
For loop python
While loop python
Function in python
Lambda functions in python
Sorted() python
map() function in python
filter() function
reduce() function in python
index() function in python
Indentation means in Python
Python Strings
Split string python
Get string characters using index Python
String length python
Loop through string in Python
String characters to lowercase
Multi-line string python
Trim python string
String formation and interpolation
Python - Get first word form a string
String find() function
Python Dictionary
Dictionaries in python
Loop through a dictionary
Delete an item from dictionary
Add items to dictionary
Update dictionary values
Get all keys from a dictionary
Python List
Python collection - List in python
Add items to list
Loop through a list
Delete items from a list
Join two or multiple lists
Exception Handling
Use of try, except, else and finally in python
Get exception text in python
Python Conversions
String to Float conversion in python
Integer to String conversion in Python
Convert a List to String
List to set conversion
Python Collections
Python collection - Tuples in python
Python collection - sets in python
Merge two or multiple dictionaries
Checking if List is empty
Get the index of the list inside for loop
Python Date
Get current date
Get current timestamp
String to date conversion
Get the number of days between two dates
Python Examples
Float to int Python
Get tofixed of a value using round() Python
Check if a key exist in a dictionary
Generate a random number in python
Find the square root in python
Reverse a string or number
Get last item from a List
Return multiple values from a function
Remove falsy values from python List
Use separator in print() method of python
One line code to get the sum of a list in python
Python check NaN values with and without using packages
for loop N times in python
Get input as a number in python
Get yesterday date in python
Read JSON data in python
Check for falsy values
How to read a JSON file in Python
Get Key from a Dictionary using Value in Python
Python Validations
Validate email regex Python
Validate a number
Validate password in Python
Jupyter Notebooks
#store variables %store stream_whole #read variables %store -r stream_whole
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