
Get column values as list in Pandas DataFrame

If you have a Pandas DataFrame and want to get a list of the values in a column, it is easy to do by using the column name as an index. For example, given a DataFrame with a column "column_name", you can get a list of the values in that column like this: df['column_name'].tolist()

import pandas as pd

# create a datatframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
  'fruit': ['Banana', 'Apple', 'Mango', 'Orange', 'Papaya'],
  'price': [50, 60, 90, 70, 30]


# get all values from a column as a list
result = df['price'].tolist()



|    | fruit   |   price |
|  0 | Banana  |      50 |
|  1 | Apple   |      60 |
|  2 | Mango   |      90 |
|  3 | Orange  |      70 |
|  4 | Papaya  |      30 |

[50, 60, 90, 70, 30]


  1. The code begins by importing the pandas library.
  2. It then creates a DataFrame object from a dictionary. The DataFrame contains two columns, 'fruit' and 'price'.
  3. The code then calls the 'tolist()' method on the 'price' column. This returns a list of all the values in the 'price' column.
  4. Finally, the code prints the list to the console.



If you want to get all values in the fruit column, you can use the below code.



['Banana', 'Apple', 'Mango', 'Orange', 'Papaya']

Get column values as list using list() function

In Python, the list() function allows you to convert a column of data into a list. This is useful if you want to perform an operation on all of the values in a column. We will use this function to get all the values in the DataFrame column.



Code example

df = pd.DataFrame({
  'fruit_name': ['Banana', 'Apple', 'Mango', 'Orange', 'Papaya'],
  'price': [50, 60, 90, 70, 30]

result = list(df['fruit_name'])



['Banana', 'Apple', 'Mango', 'Orange', 'Papaya']

In the above code example

  1. The first line creates a DataFrame called df with two columns, fruit_name, and price.
  2. The second line creates a list called result which contains the values from the fruit_name column in the df DataFrame.
  3. The third line prints the list called result.
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